Boundary Area
Catchment Area
If you decide you would like to register here at The Hedges you have 3 options as to how to do this:
Follow the Online Registration Form link at the bottom of this page to submit your registration form from the comfort of your own home and paperless.
Print off a copy of the registration form for each family member or household registering, complete them and bring them to the surgery with your ID.
Pick up a form from our reception. You can either complete this at the time or take it away with you and drop it in later.
You will need your NHS number and those of any family members wishing to register. If you do not have these written down, the easiest way to obtain your number is to telephone your previous GP practice.
If you are on regular medication you will need an appointment with a doctor initially before we can issue repeat prescriptions. Bringing your medication along for this appointment would be useful.